Emerging from the heart of the Silk Road, he pioneered the opening of new trade routes from Türkiye to the world. Ali Osman Ulusoy, renowned for his statement “The Heart of the Silk Road is Trabzon and Tabriz”, was born in Trabzon in 1927. In 1938, after completing his primary education, he commenced working alongside his father in the transportation business.

Over time, Ulusoy expanded the scope of his activities, rapidly expanding the family business with new investments in intercity passenger transportation, automotive, tyre, logistics, insurance, construction, and tourism. Beginning in 1974 with transportation, Ulusoy endeavoured to enhance relations between the two countries through hundreds of meetings he organized during his half-century-long journey in Iran.

He worked tirelessly to boost mutual investments and cooperation in the realms of banking, transportation, contracting, and tourism. Ulusoy’s endeavours played a pivotal role in fortifying and expediting both the economic and social ties between Türkiye and Iran. In addition to his bustling business career, Ulusoy served as the Founding President of DEİK/Türkiye-Iran Business Council for many years starting in 2001. Furthermore, he held the position of Chairman of the Assembly of Trabzon Chamber of Commerce.

Throughout his tenure as Chairperson of DEİK/Türkiye-Iran Business Council, Ulusoy spearheaded extensive efforts aimed at fostering the growth of bilateral commercial and cultural relations between Türkiye and Iran. Ulusoy diligently fulfilled this duty until his passing in 2014. We express our gratitude to Ali Osman Ulusoy, a venerable figure in our business world, for his invaluable contributions to our country and DEİK. May he be remembered with utmost respect and gratitude.

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