He illuminated the path. He forged ahead. He dedicated himself to work, to production, to adding value, and in doing so, he changed lives. He etched his name in history as one of the iconic figures of the Turkish business world, renowned not only for his commercial endeavours but also for his contributions to social development.

Born in 1930 in Skopje, Şarık Tara relocated to Istanbul in 1942. After graduating from Istanbul Technical University (ITU) with a degree in Civil Engineering, Tara established ENKA, a contracting company, in 1957. After achieving success in constructing docks, bridges, factories, and dams across various regions of Türkiye from 1957 to 1971, ENKA ventured abroad in 1971. To date, it has completed over 570 projects in 54 countries.

Tara has supported the development of numerous athletes and artists through the ENKA Foundation, which he established to support society. Additionally, he has made significant contributions to the education of Turkish children through ENKA schools operating under the foundation. Şarık Tara, a highly accomplished engineer, contractor, industrialist, visionary entrepreneur, and philanthropist, served as the Honorary President of the company until his passing in 2018.

Tara played an active role in the establishment of DEİK and served on its board of directors. As an Honorary Member of DEİK, Tara served as the founding chairperson of both the DEİK/Türkiye-Greece Business Council and the DEİK/Türkiye-Japan Business Council.

Having received numerous national and international medals, honorary citizenship, honorary doctorates, and awards for his successful work and contributions to the world throughout his life, Şara was a true leader for his family, company, foundation, and country. We express our gratitude to the esteemed Şarık Tara for his invaluable contributions to DEİK and our country, aimed at enhancing foreign economic relations and commercial diplomacy activities. May he be remembered with mercy and gratitude.

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