The Clean Energy Investment Has a Potential Of Employment For 10 Million People

The contribution of the clean energy investments to be made in the post-pandemic period to the economy is projected to be approximately USD 1.9 trillion in 3 years

It is projected that the investment to clean energy in the period after the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic around the world may provide employment for 10 million people in 3 years. According to the information compiled from the report named “A Clean Covid-19 Recovery: The Global Opportunity for G20 Leadership”, prepared by Ernest& Young consultancy company, it is expected that the investments to be made to the clean energy during the economic order to be formed after the pandemic will offer employment in many fields, especially in the fields of construction, installation of energy systems and equipment production.

Due to the economic uncertainty arising from the pandemic, the gross national product per capita of 47 countries, including the USA, France, and Sweden, has decreased by USD 2.2 trillion. The contribution of the investments to be made in the clean energy sector in the next 3-year period is projected to be approximately USD 1.9 trillion and this figure corresponds to 85 per cent of the losses in 2020. It is estimated that the performance of post-pandemicinvestments will make a contribution of USD 50 billion to the economy of the 47 countries within the report.

“It is stated that the renewable energy capacity will increase by 1 terawatt in 3 years and thus, a carbon dioxide emission of 2.5 gigatons may be prevented “

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