Technical Consultancy Companies Getting Into New Markets

We have discussed with Munis Özer, Chairman of DEİK International Technical Consultancy Business Council, about the activities of the council, business opportunities, and plans for the future

Stating the purpose of the International Technical Consultancy Business Council as “Developing the corporate capacities of our firms that provide consulting engineering services in the target countries identified with the support of the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Trade”, Munis Özer, Chairman of the DEİK International Technical Consultancy Business Council, tells that the Council identifies the needs of the sector and conferences are held to inform the domestic and foreign shareholders for this purpose. Starting with the normalization process, The Business Council aims to organize technical consultancy delegation visits to Azerbaijan, Ukraine, and Balkan countries. Furthermore,Mrs Özer emphasizes the importance of recent close relations with Libya during the restructuring process. He indicates that in additionto our conventional markets such as Eurasia and the Middle East, they plan to be active in the FarEast and Latin America countries, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Özer evaluated the activities of the International Technical Consultancy Business Council, the opportunities and target markets in the international technical consultancy sector.

Could you give brief information about Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEİK) and International Technical Consultancy (ITC) Business Council?

DEİK, the Turkish private sector’s gateway to foreign countries, was founded in 1986 to follow the economic, commercial, industrial and financial relations of the Turkish private sector with foreign countries and international organizations, and to help initiate and improve these relationships. DEİK operates through bilateral Business Councils, and as of 2021, includes 146 Business Councils, out of which 5 are Sectoral Business Councils, and 97 Founding Organizations.

International Technical Consultancy Business Council is one of the five sectoral business councils. Recognizing the leading role of technical consultancy in the construction sector, and its importance for the development of Turkey, and to provide high quality technical consultancy services abroad; the International Technical Consultancy Business Council was founded in 2013, under the umbrella of DEİK. Members of our Business Council consist of prestigious Turkish consulting, engineering, and architectural companies, actively involved in overseas projects. Currently there are 34 member consulting engineering and architectural companies in the Council. Some of these companies are also members of the Association of Turkish Consulting Engineers and Architects (ATCEA).

What are the purpose and objectives of the Council?

Cooperating with the Bilateral Business Councils of DEİK, and making use of DEİK’s information network, the International Technical Consultancy Business Council aims to create new business opportunities in the defined target countries for Turkish technical consultancy firms. Our main objectives are;

To represent the Turkish Technical Consultancy Sector abroad and promoting its members in international arena and in the target countries,

To inform foreign and domestic, private and public decision makers and customers about the capabilities and experience of the Turkish technical consultancy companies, and to carry the message that they are competent in conducting business.

To provide guidance and feedback to the public authorities in setting and improving the institutional and legislative regulatory principles, relevant to the technical consultancy services, encouraging the activities of Turkish technical consultants abroad.

To cooperate with the Bilateral Business Councils of DEİK, and by making use of DEİK’s information network, in order to create an excellent working atmosphere, where business prospects and contacts can be increased, and its members can act in a proactive manner to benefit from the business opportunities in the target countries.

To participate in international meetings and to promote activities on behalf of Turkey for lobbying and marketing.

To organize conferences and seminars in the technical consultancy sector, to network with relevant foreign institutions and companies, arranging meetings with foreign delegations for bilateral business development.

Located at the crossroads of three continents, Europe, Asia and Africa; Turkey has historical relations, as well as strong political and economic connections in the region. Cultural proximity with the neighboring countries in the region provides a great advantage to Turkish technical consultants. Turkish technical consultants have diversified experience gained through many challenging projects in Turkey and abroad. They have good local experience and know-how in the region. Turkish technical consultancy firms can provide high quality of technical services with competitive prices, qualified and capable technical staff resources, strong technical and technological infrastructure and skillful management.

Could you tell us about the Council’s activities?

Present economic circumstances dictate strongly the establishment of international and regional strategic partnerships among consulting engineering companies, based on mutual trust and friendship, in order to increase their level of competitiveness and chances of winning tenders. Based on this fact, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed in 2014, between the DEIK International Technical Consultancy Business Council and The Federation of Consultants from Islamic Countries (FCIC), in order to promote cooperation between their members and to utilize the capabilities of FCIC and DEİK. Within the framework of this Memorandum of Understanding, the International Engineering Forums arranged annually by FCIC, have been jointly organized by FCIC and DEIK since 2014. The Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Turkey is the consultant member of the Business Council. Association of Turkish Consulting Engineers and Architects (ATCEA) is one of the founding institutions of DEIK and a cooperate member of our Business Council.

International Technical Consultancy Business Council intends to improve their corporate capacities in defined target countries with the support of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Turkey. To this end, the Council identifies the needs of the sector, and organizes conferences to inform its domestic and foreign stakeholders. Further activities include: participation in international promotional events in this field, under the name of “Turkey”; the organization of technical consulting delegation visits to target countries and institutions to hold targeted talks with foreign delegations; and, in its capacity as a mediator for structural reforms and value proposals, sharing of its experience with public authorities.

In this context, our council has carried out technical consultancy delegation visits to Kazakhstan, Morocco,Qatar, African Development Bank, Ivory Coast, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan, so far. In addition to the international conferences and forums organized in Turkey, ITC participatedin the annual FIDIC International Infrastructure Conferences held in Dubai, Morocco and Indonesia, and arranged various seminars and events within the framework of these organizations.

Please explain your plans for the future.

Unfortunately, we have not been able to carry out the activities planned for 2020, During the pandemic, we have organized online activities and webinars due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Following the normalization period, we are planning to organize the postponed Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Balkan Technical Consultancy Delegation visits. We are also closely following the restructuring process within the framework of the recently established positive relations with Libya. Apart from our traditional markets such as Eurasia and the Middle East, we are planning to be active in the Far East and Latin American countries, especially Sub-Saharan Africa.


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