Turkey And Cote D’ivoire Demonstrate A Balanced Outlook In Trade

Côte d’Ivoire is a pretty attractive country in terms of foreign investors due to it being the centre of the ECOWAS community

The trade between Turkey and C.te d’Ivoire presents a balanced view. Turkey’s exports to C.te d’Ivoire increased by 152 per cent in the last five years, reaching its highest level so far with USD 307 million in 2020. In the same period, the imports of Turkey from C.te d’Ivoire increased by 9 per cent to USD 323 million. Even though France and China dominate the trade in the country, they are very sincere to Turkey and Turks and open to cooperation. Since C.te d’Ivoire is also the centre of the ECOWAS (Economic Community Of West African States), it is more attractive than other countries and ahead of them in terms of experience with foreign investors and business people.

The economy of C.te d’Ivoire is largely based on agriculture and the activities in this regard. Since it is the world’s most significant exporter of cocoa beans, coffee, and palm oil, its economy gets affected by international price fluctuations for these products and climatic conditions. In addition to agricultural products, the contribution of gold production to the country’s economy is also quite high.


Merve Yalçın    Chairperson, DEİK/Turkey-Côte d’Ivoire Business Council

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