The Number Of Projects Abroad Undertaken By Our Technical Consultancy Firms Has Increased

As the Association of Turkish Consulting Engineers and Architects, we are proud of being one of the founding members of DEİK and the DEİK International Technical Consultancy Business Council. As ATCEA, we closely follow the activities and supports of the DEİK chairpersons for the firms in the various sectors in our country to expand abroad, and we also show maximum effort to fulfil the duties that fall on our member firms and us. The Association of Turkish Consulting Engineers and Architects was founded in 1980 and has passed its 40th year in the last year. Our member firms that carry out consulting, engineering, and architectural services in our country have experience in the different fields of the sector.

The Association of Turkish Consulting Engineering and Architects became a member of the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) in 1987 and the European Federation of Engineering Consultancy (EFCA) in 2001.

Nearly 65 per cent of the engineering, consultancy, and architectural services in Turkey and nearly 95 per cent of the services abroad are carried out by the firms that are members of our association.

We are glad to observe that our technical consultancy firms undertake more projects abroad, the volume of the undertaken projects grow, and the awareness of our firms in terms of expanding abroad increases. As of today, our association member firms have reached a level that enables them to receive qualifications and undertake businesses in many branches of the technical consultancy sector for providing services in every phase of the projects abroad.

As Turkish engineering, consultancy, and architectural firms, we have provided services worth $2.6 billion at various stages of 2197 projects such as planning, building supervision, operation, etc. in 124 countries cumulatively by the end of 2020. In addition, our firms have recently had success in taking part in the engineering and consultancy works abroad that have a contractual price worth of $100-150 million. Owing to the project variety and opportunities in many areas in our country such as energy, transportation, water, environment, building, etc., our firms have achieved a vast amount of experience and knowledge on the master plan, feasibility, design, preparation of the tender documents, tender process, building supervision, and commissioning, enabling our firms to accumulate considerable knowledge in the Build-Operate- Transfer and Public-Private Partnership models. The experience, work completions, and references we have obtained from the large scale projects in our country provide significant advantages in terms of technical qualification in  the tenders abroad.

We believe that the end of the current pandemic period will have a positive effect on the increase of the market share of our Turkish engineering, consulting, and architectural firms in the world market.


H. İrfan Aker /  Chairman of the Executive Board at the Association of Turkish Consulting Engineers and Architects (ATCEA)

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