Türkiye’s Leading Investment Companies

Esas Holding, founded in 2000 by my late father Şevket Sabancı and members of our family, is among the leading investment companies in Türkiye. At Esas Holding, we define ourselves as a value-driven, responsible group. And in line with our mission, we aim to engage in activities with high impact to create benefit in all areas. Esas Sosyal, which we established in 2015 to create social benefit, drives sustainable and measurable impact through social investment models focused on youth and employment.

To date, Esas Sosyal has provided 600 young people with equal employment opportunities through programs that have received over 30 thousand applications. At Esas Sosyal, we focus on empowering young people who need equal opportunity when they apply for employment, which may be a challenge especially if they have graduated from a lesser known university. In addition to striving to eliminate the obstacles the youth face as they transition from education to professional life, we also aim to upskill them with the help of our programs to improve their chances of employment.

We are also proud of the vast ecosystem we have built with nearly 3.000 people, including corporate supporters, NGOs, participants, mentors, alumni, HR professionals, and trainers, all gathered around the mission of achieving diversity, equality and inclusion. We take great pride in seeing that the programs we implement as we work toward our goals are recognized with accolades and awards by prestigious institutions. In the last two years, we have been honored with six different awards, which excite us for the future and drive us to do more.

Emine Sabancı Kamışlı / Vice Chairperson of the Board of Esas Holding


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