Togo; is a small West African country with a population of 7 million, neighboring Ghana, Benin, Burkina Faso and having a seashore. Turkey has no embassy or commercial attaches in Togo, but personal or institutional efforts for the development of bilateral relations are of great importance. In this direction as DEİK, we founded Turkey–Togo Business Council during Turkey- ECOWAS Economic and Business Forum held on February 21, 2018. Although the Business Council was newly established, the fact that Turkey’s foreign trade volume with Togo reached 90 million US dollars at the end of 2018 shows us that we have been awarded for our efforts. Togo has an advanced trading network with Europe and China and it is ready to open its doors to Turkish business people because Turkish products are less costly than European ones and they are of better quality than China’s. The fact that development projects in many countries of Africa continue at full speed and Far Eastern companies are already operating intensively on the continent also suggests the need that Europe and Turkey should evaluate unlimited opportunities here without delay with mutual visits and strong projects.


Turkey-Togo Business Council Chairman  Berna Akyıldız

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