Kenya Offers Great Investment Opportunities

The trade volume between Kenya and Turkey is increasing steadily. The two countries are developing various mechanisms to meet the trade deficit. For example, Kenya offers great investment opportunities via the public-private partnership which Kenya implemented with Turkish Government and business environment within the scope of the Big Four Agenda. It is intended that the Big Four Agenda’s five-year development plan, which includes four key investment opportunities – “production”, “economic housing”, “Universal Health Coverage” and “food safety” – will lead Kenya’s development plan towards Vision 2030.

The focus of Kenya is production. There are big investment opportunities in the large-scale house construction in the country. There is also a significant potential for tea, coffee, cut flowers, horticulture, floriculture and oil plant processing investments in the country.

Kenya also emphasizes Universal Health Coverage (UHC) to ensure that all the citizens can access to quality and economic health care service. The UHC project will increase Kenyan people access to preventive, curative, curative and palliative health services at affordable costs. This creates opportunities for public and private sector investments in the health sector. Besides these, Kenya is at the top levels of the list of the easiest places to do business by expanding its infrastructure effectively and reliably in areas such as road and rail transport system, ports, airports and communication.

Ambassador of the Republic of Kenya to Turkey Johnson Mogoa K. Ondieki

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