The Picture in the Swirl of Dreams – Cinema

The text below is a sequence from the inner conflicts experienced by a movie artist in the creative period

“When I close my eyes and think about the past, I always find myself on that holiday. Our one and only holiday together. Our Kars tour by the Eastern Express… How beautiful everything was.” These could be the opening lines of a movie. But we have to ask: Or is receiving education enough to make a movie? Or is receiving education enough to make a movie? The answers of movie artists and critics to these questions reveal their take on the art of cinema. Perhaps we need to focus on pictures more than words while making a movie. For this reason, cinema is the art of forming sentences with pictures.


Humanity loves to hear tales and stories. Legends, tales, epics being spread by words even at the times when there was no writing, is the support of this claim. And now we can also “see” many legends and tales due to the art of cinema. We do not only watch, we virtually live in them. So we can say that with the developing technologies, human beings are at the peak of experiencing the world around them with their sense organs. Theoreticians searching for the answer to the question, “What is acting?”, have turned their inferences into schools and presented them to the academia. And then, acting finds itself a place on the very existence journey of the human race. Us individuals may as well be acting in the “dream state” that we are in. Some are aware of this, and some are not. And time is the greatest treasure a person can ever have in this world. We are ceaselessly getting consumed away and very well aware of it, but how much value do we give to our greatest treasure? We stumble upon the traces of time in our memory; find memories, pains, and traumas engraved in our minds. We cannot leave the past behind or dream about the future. The misery of not being able to live the moment is expressed through the silence in daily life. The consciousness of the inevitable death, the inability to resist time’s running out, the idea of disappearance in the universe of beliefs, and the concept of the afterlife draw people into the swirl of the existential issues.


The only thing we individuals can do against death, time and life is to be able to leave a trace in this world before losing our touch with it. Art and trace… But, does every artist really leave their traces in their work? How can we leave our trace in the story or the movie we create? Only the scriptwriter and the director know for sure whether the culprit running away from the cops in the slums of the town is guilty or not. And the fate of this culprit/accused in the movie universe is in their hands. Do the stories in movies always have to carry a message? People who want to make movies are the ones that ask these questions, and they start designing their movies in their heads with the help of them. The year 2051, location is Lake Tuz area or the skirts of Toros Mountains…

Article: Muhammed Özçelik

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