In Ghana, also called the “Gold Coast” in the past, one-third of the exports consist of gold mines and products made from gold

Being a country with whom our cooperation is developing with an ever-increasing momentum, Ghana has many advantageous commercial opportunities to offer to the Turkish business world. Ghana is one of the countries that offers the most favorable investment environment in West Africa and is the second country that attracts the most foreign investors. The fact that Ghana is the second safest country in Africa in terms of security also provides an environment of trust for businesspeople.

In Ghana, also called the “Gold Coast” in the past, one-third of the exports consist of gold mines and products made from gold. Oil, manganese, limestone, diamond, and bauxite are other important natural resources that are produced and exported.

Our trade volume with Ghana peaked in 2020, reaching approximately USD 760 million, and USD 530 million in 2021 and 2022.

Despite the risky investments in Africa, the infrastructure of Ghana, which has great potential, is still developing, and therefore, high rates of construction, iron and steel and plaster materials are needed. There are cooperation opportunities in the field of machinery and installation materials supporting the irrigation infrastructure. The government of Ghana also offers incentives to investors in this field. Positive results from oil exploration in Ghana have increased investment opportunities in this field.

It is aimed to increase the bilateral trade volume to USD 1 billion within the framework of the Türkiye-Ghana Joint Economic Commission protocol signed on 15 June 2022 with the participation of the ministers of the two countries. As DEİK/ Türkiye-Ghana Business Council, we keep maintaining close contact with the business and economic circles of Ghana with the purpose of increasing mutual awareness. The interest and humility of Ghana to the Turkish business world, which we witnessed during our delegation visit to Ghana in November 2022, has increased our belief that our relations will become stronger in the future.

DEİK/Türkiye-Gana İş Konseyi Başkanı Abdulkadir Turan

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