Correct Use of Language, Effective Communication

Using the natural language processing method with the models and algorithms it has developed, türkçeyaz is a smart spell-checker for effective and correct communication in digital environments. For example, we show your typos and misspellings in order to make your text more effective on social media posts, e-mails, and reports and recommend more suitable words for your writing. In summary, technology offers us many online solutions. And we try to have more correct and understandable use of Turkish on online platforms.

Our Dream Is to Encourage Effective and Correct Use of Turkish

We are chasing a dream. That is to encourage the effective and correct use of Turkish… And we try to achieve this with a simple interface that doesn’t pay attention to the proficiency of its users and can be easily used for any purpose. As you know, typos in texts can lead to loss of reputation and time. Especially in official correspondences and in areas such as the legal system where communication can never be obscure, those mistakes can have irreversible results. As the türkçeyaz team, we set out in light of scientific data to solve this problem with a smart spell-checker that can check, recommend and correct texts in all digital contact points and try to improve it day by day through machine learning. Contributing to our language motivates us emotionally too.

Written Communication Channels Your Corporate Identity

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) changed the world’s conditions very fast. Our race against time brought some radical changes in the business world as well.

Efficient working methods and effective communication have become the main topics that institutions need to be in line with.

We have heard from many different companies that they have increased the frequency of their meetings. And they have less time than before to prepare for and report these meetings. Contact with customers is made through online channels. The quality of your written communication becomes the first step in introducing your corporate identity. We have adopted the lean entrepreneurship model in our team. In fact, we have been receiving thousands of feedbacks since the first day that we released our product. With this approach, before we develop a feature, we are able to conduct a need-benefit analysis by recieving the opinions of our users.

We also work in cooperation with universities as we believe in the technological adaptation of our institutions. Further, we plan to develop an authenticity test feature to encourage the creativity of students. We will provide türkçeyaz for their use in order to increase the quality of their tasks, documents, and e-mails. This way, for instance, they will have the chance to check the authenticity of their thesis.

We Are Responsible for The Turkish Culture and Language

We are aware of the responsibility türkçeyaz bears for Turkish culture and language. We want to protect and contribute to improving our language. So, we designed a structure that non-Turkish speakers can easily use and improve themselves. And we try to improve this day by day.

türkçeyaz Co-founder & CEO F. Tunç Erdoğan

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