Export Master Plan Will Drive Our Trade

“Export Master Plan” announced by T.R. Minister of Trade Ruhsar Pekcan was prepared by taking global trends into consideration.

T.R. Minister of Trade, Ruhsar Pekcan, “Export Master Plan” announced. He stated that the 11th Development Plan, which covers the 2019-2023 process, was conducted with a stable growth approach in export and targeted to export $ 226,6 billion in line with the development plan. The minister Pekcan emphasized that the primary objective is to increase the competition in global trade and to follow the transforming technology closely and to exceed the international target and said “Within the scope of this plan, we are aiming to get a sustainable export understanding. As a result of meticulous efforts of the Ministry and the relevant stakeholders, we identified 17 target countries. While identifying these countries, we considered that they take a 60 percent of share from world’s gross domestic product, implement 43.7 percent of world imports and take a 25,2 percent of share from our country’s exports. According to this, we identified USA, Brazil, China, Ethiopia, Morocco, South Africa, South Korea, India, Iraq, England, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Uzbekistan, Russia and Chile as target country. In addition to this, we selected five target sectors including machinery, automotive, electrical-electronics, chemistry and food industries. Also, our objective with the Specialized Free Zones is to increase our export of high-tech products of which share in Turkey’s exports is percent 3,5 to 5 percent level.”


The minister Pekcan stated that the continuous activation of export policy instruments according to the conditions of the age has become necessary in
modern-day trade world and said “In the 21st century, we are at the beginning of a major transformation that we have difficulty in understanding its speed and dimensions. We hope that our master plan will serve as a strategy for this transformation. In this regard, the Export Master Plan has been prepared by taking global trends into consideration with the approaches of target product, target country, innovative export and the perspective of global supply chain.” With this statement, Mr. Pekcan specified that this plan prepared with global skills and commercial trends is an opportunity for our country to grab the key
to success in business life.

Making evaluations on outlook for the global economy, Mr. Pekcan stated that technology wars lie behind current increase in global protectionism and trade wars and they preferred productivity, innovation and digitalization-based policies in export master plan.


Stating they drew a new route with the Export Master Plan and said “Turkey increases its export volume with productivity, innovation and digitalization on this route. And we know Turkey increases its steady growth with the export increase. Target products, target countries and target buyers will be spot-on determined on this route. Our route is clear: To market our products by taking all advantages of digital media, to support our exporters with our consultants around the world, to provide financial support to our exporters with the government aids and Eximbank… The ultimate objective of our vision is to bring up our country to the level of ‘high-income countries’ with a mass export mobilization.”

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