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Founded by Seleucus I Nicator, one of Alexander the Great’s generals in 300 BC as Seleucus Euphrates, Zeugma Ancient City is located within the borders of Belkıs village in Nizip district of Gaziantep today. One of the most populous cities of its period, Zeugma gained its last name when it came under Roman rule in the 1st century BC. The region made significant developments in terms of art during the Roman era, and it is considered as one of the unique areas in the world, especially with its mosaics. Discovered during the excavations in Zeugma Ancient City, the bullae (seal impressions) had earned a world record in its area, increasing the historical value of the region. Being opened to visitors on September 9, 2019, Zeugma Mosaic Museum hosts artefacts that shed light on the past and receives guests from many parts of the world every year.

Artefacts Of The Museum

As well as 3 thousand sqm of mosaics from the Roman and Eastern Roman periods, 140 sqm of murals, four Roman Fountains, 20 columns, four limestone statues, a Bronze Mars Statue, tomb stelas, sarcophagi, and many other architectural pieces, one of the most striking artefacts is undoubtedly the Gypsy Girl mosaic. Called the Mona Lisa of Zeugma, 12 pieces of this mosaic were found in illegal excavations in 1960 and smuggled abroad. However, the missing parts were given back to Turkey from US Bowling Green State University where it was exhibited as a result of diplomatic operations and they are currently on display at the Zeugma Mosaic Museum.



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