Mobile Apps That Make Life Easier

Article: Alihan Fındıkçıoğlu

Mobile apps bring convenience to people in terms of saving time as well as reducing the business of daily life.

People in today’s business world have the chance to ease the workload on them with digital tools. Applications enable working people to save time and energy. Such programs reduce the workload of individuals and allow them to get more practical. And we compiled the applications used almost every day in business life.

Andy. do

Andy. do is an assistant for the business life, used especially for time control. The application reminds the users of their to-do lists and their times. So, nothing gets in the way of conducting our operations.

We Transfer

Transferring large-volume files can be a problem from time to time. The Netherland-based WeTransfer comes to the business world’s help at this point. The application allows users to send files up to 2 GB for free and you can select more than one file at a time. And the load on the businesspeople’s lives are reduced a little in this way.


Pocket allows you to continue reading an article or the news right where you left. After installing the program, you can continue reviewing a document that you stopped reading.


You may use Bundle to keep up with the agenda in a busy working life. Gathering the agenda, technology, sports, breaking news, and opinion columns in one place, the app also provides you the storage area advantage.

Google Drive

A cloud system, where written and visual documents are saved, Google Drive is one of the priorities of Android phone users in business life. The application decreases the burden of users by collecting the documents in one place.


Trello is developed to make teamwork easy in the business world. Trello makes planning, which used to be done on white boards in meeting rooms before, easy in today’s technological world, and is preferred by working people due to this.


HelloSign is quite user-friendly and it allows signing the documents sent via smart devices. The app is preferred by people who frequently travel for business.


One of the most preferred storage applications in the world, Dropbox offers its users various conveniences. The application allows you to create as many folders as you want and load unlimitedly and provides enough storage space for daily use. Moreover, the files remain in sync, even when uploaded from different devices.


One of the biggest problems of people with a busy work schedule is to answer the incoming e-mails. Mailbox application aims to facilitate this problem by collecting all e-mails under one roof.


A notification can be distracting when working. With this in mind, Appblock does not allow unnecessary notifications in order not to decrease the efficiency and pace of the working people. When using the Appblock application, all applications on your device are under the control of the phone owner.


Evernote stands out as a functional application that allows its users to take notes easily. The app prevents the accumulation of notebooks in people’s desks and offers the opportunity to archive these notes.

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