

Kamu Özel Sektör İşbirliği (KÖİ) (Public Private Partnership-PPP) kavramını son yıllarda daha çok duymaktayız; ancak bu modelin ortaya çıkışı bir hayli eski zamanlara dayanmaktadır. Yüzlerce yıl önce Anadolu’da askerî amaçlı geliştirilen tımar sistemi ve 19. yüzyılda Fransa’da hayata geçirilen kanalizasyon altyapı çalışmaları, KÖİ modelinin erken tarihli örnekleri olarak öne çıkmaktadır. Modern zamanlara geldiğimizde ise KÖİ modeline ilginin tekrar canlanmasının altında, radikal değişimlere bağlı bir dizi sebebin yattığı görülmektedir. Hızla artan küresel nüfus, şehirlerin göç akınına uğraması, gelişmekte olan ülkelerin hızlı büyümeleri ve teknolojinin hayatımızdaki payının giderek artması; insanların altyapı taleplerini artırmıştır. Kamunun artış gösteren bu ihtiyaçlarına karşın küresel ekonomide görülen finansal ve mali sorunlar, kamu otoritesinin bütçe sorunları ile karşılaşmasına neden olmuştur. Kamu yararına yönelik altyapı hizmetlerinde özel sektör finansmanının kullanılmasını mümkün kılan KÖİ modeli, bu gelişmelerin doğal sonucu olarak ciddi bir seçenek hâline gelmiştir. Söz konusu tercihle kamu ve özel sektör arasında uzun süreli anlaşmalar çerçevesinde ortaklık kurularak kamu hizmetinin; özel sektörün finansmanı, yatırımı ve işletmesi ile hayata geçirilmesi sağlanmıştır. Bu noktada Dünya Bankası tarafından KÖİ modeli için yapılan “Özel sektörün risk ve yönetim sorumluluğu aldığı, kamu mal ve hizmetlerinin sağlanması amacıyla tarafların uzun dönemli yükümlülükleri üstlendikleri sözleşmeler.” tanımı, oldukça isabetli ve net bir özet niteliğindedir.



The success of a PPP model depends on many different parameters. However, the emphasis on the “human” theme as the essential user of the services offered in this model, has continued to increase with the studies carried out under the United Nations umbrella. In short, the success of service delivered by projects being human oriented has become valued as much as their success in terms of finance, management and legal aspects. When assessed from this perspective the PPP model provides benefits from different aspects to the three basic stakeholders that comprise this system, namely the “public”, “private sector” and “humans”. Accordingly, the public delivers expected service through private financing while the private sector has the opportunity to take part in a public service to which it is not entitled and authorized at a relatively low risk and a long term contract guarantee. On the other hand, people gain access to a public service, which they need, at an effective, efficient and optimum cost. In summary, the benefits of PPP can be defined as the administration being able to invest outside their own budget, the private sector gaining a new investment and earning area and better service for citizens.



A review of the adventures of modern PPP models in Turkey reveals that the City Hospitals project of the Ministry of Health in 2007. PPP health projects were commissioned with the target of expanding access to health services, ensuring a sustainability perspective of integrating technological developments with service delivery, increasing and modernizing the bed capacity in Turkey which generated successful results in a short time and the model implemented in Turkey has become a role model for health service policies in developing countries. In the short period of 10 years, the PPP projects, which have been copied by many countries in the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, East and Northeast Balkans, paved the way for Turkey to export of this service. In this context, it is necessary to mention that several infrastructure companies involved in the PPP health projects in Turkey, continue to bid for similar projects in the mentioned regions and have undertaken such projects.




Naturally, the successful implementation of PPP in the health care system has not been the only successful practice in Turkey in the past 10 years. The Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge (the 3rd Bosphorus), Istanbul New Airport, the Eurasia Tunnel, the Osman Gazi Bridge and many more highways, ports and infrastructure projects are amongst the successfully implemented projects within the field of transportation. Almost all of these projects are noteworthy as mega projects with rather high budgets.


The DEİK PPP Committee, which was established in 2015 under the structure of DEİK, has commissioned major projects in exporting the PPP model. Furthermore, the “Istanbul PPP Week” which has been organized with the coordination and support of the Ministry of Trade since 2016 has introduced participants to completed and ongoing projects for the past three years and has provided a setup for our infrastructure companies to develop new business opportunities. In addition, PPP trainings have been organized for 150 foreign bureaucrats from 75 countries in Istanbul with the contributions of international organizations such as the World Bank, Islamic Development Bank, EBRD and GI HUB. These training and workshop programs are valued today in the international arena and are among the most important PPP organizations. All of these activities make a significant contribution to the export of the PPP experience that our country has gained in the last 10 years. From this perspective, the PPP model will present new export opportunities to our infrastructure companies in the upcoming period.


Dr. Eyüp Vural Aydın / DEİK PPPCoE Başkanı

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