Our Trade Wıth Iraq Wıll Reach Even Hıgher Fıgures

Historical, cultural, geographical, and economic factors form the basis of strong and stable relations between Türkiye and Iraq. The stability of the political relations between the two countries is also reflected in trade relations. Looking at the foreign trade figures of 2021, Iraq stands out as Türkiye’s 5th largest export market with a volume of approximately $10 billion. It ranks first among Middle Eastern countries. Therefore, Iraq has global significance for our country rather than regional. With the effect of our increasing foreign trade volume, in the upcoming years, I believe that our trade with Iraq will reach much larger figures. As DEİK/Türkiye-Iraq Business Council, we have endeavoured to take our bilateral relations one step further by organizing many delegation visits to Iraq despite the pandemic conditions in the last period. During our visits to Baghdad and Erbil with Mehmet Muş, Minister of Trade of the Republic of Türkiye, significant steps were taken to increase trade between the two countries and to remove obstacles. With the “Türkiye-Iraq Business, Investment & Contracting Forum” we organized in Istanbul, we have carried out valuable work on creating new trade opportunities by bringing together the private sector representatives of the two countries.

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