Sri Lanka Harbours Important Opportunities

Beşir Uğur, Chairperson of the Turkey-Sri Lanka Business Councils

Nine Arch Bridge, also called the Bridge in The Sky, is a viaduct bridge in Sri Lanka. It is one of the best examples of colonial-era railway construction in the country.

Located in the middle of the Indian Ocean and at the intersection of sea and trade routes, Sri Lanka has be­come one of the important trade centres of the Asia-Pacific region in recent years with its growing economy. Sri Lanka is a bridge between largely populated markets with its strategical location and free trade agreements with many countries. With the European Union as its second-largest trade partner, the country enters the Indian market with zero customs tax.

When the Free Trade Agreement, still negotiated with China, if completed, the products of the country will reach wider geographies. Turkey – Sri Lanka relations have greatly accelerated in recent years. The first Joint Economic Commission meeting for the development of mutual trade relations was held on November 10-11, 2016. The country with the rising supply of services offers important opportunities for our businesspeople in the fields of infrastructure, shipping, tourism, and telecom­munications. However, mutual trade figures do not reflect the current potential. Thus, in the coming period, we will continue to carry out projects in Sri Lanka such as Inter­connected Business Series, Turkey – Sri Lanka Business and Investment Forum, mutual delegation visits, and Sri Lanka Business Directory.

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