Sustainability Strategies Have Critical Importance In The Process Of Adaptation To The Egd

The performance of business processes and especially carbon accounting in a verifiable manner in the process of Green Deal transformation will be of great significance

In the process of adaptation to the European Green Deal that we consider to be within the scope of our sustainability strategy, as Group, we are prepared for the upcoming obligations to a large extent. In addition, we have works that will take shape in line with the legislation that will be formed in the EU and our country after June. As Group, we evaluate all the developments and update our predictions periodically.

We consider it very critical for the business world to manage the process of adaptation to the European Green Deal (EGD) under the umbrella of business and sustainability strategies concerned. We have an EGD Responsible Group working under our Group Sustainability Committee in line with this issue. We provide a bidirectional flow of information through which we can evaluate new develop ments within this structure, including our relevant managers from each company to be affected by the process. Furthermore, our companies internally evaluate the effects specific for themselves through the processes created by the relevant management teams.

In our sustainability journey that guides us in this process, as Group, we have set our goal to be carbon-neutral by 2030 and drawn a road map to achieve this goal. We perform our sustainability works under three main focuses: climate, people and innovation. Each transformation project we carry out from the perspective of the EGD is not only reflected in our climate but also in our people and innovation focuses. The Deal concentrates on the sustainability of life and the development of competitiveness along with the future of the human being. Innovation also plays an accelerating, transformative role in the process of adaptation to the Deal and creating carbon-free business processes. In addition, by receiving support from our R&D centres, we aim to further improve our works through the projects we have carried out in the last period.

In line with our Climate, People, and Innovation focuses, we carefully evaluate the legislative developments and possible scenarios, we contribute to the works of private-sector representative organizations such as DEİK that strive to support the transition of the industry to a carbon-free economy, and we convey our views to the EGD Action Plan that is now at the stage of being prepared in our country. We have registered to the EU Transparency Database as the first private sector industrial company based in Turkey and officially taken part in the Public Consultation on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism of the European Green Deal as Borusan Holding and shared our views directly with the European Commission.

The Project on Establishing a Group-Wide Product and Service-Based Carbon Tracking System is also a work on which we place great importance. Thanks to this system, it will be possible to track the inputs we use and the carbon loads that may be transferred to us by our suppliers in this process. After all, the performance of business processes and especially carbon accounting in a verifiable manner in the process of Green Deal transformation will be of great significance. Moreover, we attach importance to the field called Sustainability Finance associated with the ESG Reporting (Environmental, Social, Governance), and we take further our work in line with the developments in this field.

Erkan Kafadar Borusan Holding CEO’su

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