The adverse effects of coronavırus ın turkey can be turned ınto an opportunıty ın the mıddle term

According to the Covid-19 Pandemic Evaluation Report of the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA), the effects of coronavirus have been felt in many sectors, especially in transportation, tourism, and service in the short term. However, Turkey has lots of opportunities to bring some positivity into this negative picture. This process showed the importance of the domestic industry and Turkey separates from other countries with its industrial capacity. As a matter of fact, when we think about the direction of the production after the supply-demand problems arising against China, Turkey is the first G20 country that comes to mind. With its exible production capacity, closeness to large markets and a cheap workforce, Turkey is now a candidate to be the production base of the surrounding countries.

International Cooperation Must Be Increased
On the other hand, the quality of Turkish products is quite well-known around the world. Adding the US market next to the European and African markets is considered as an important achievement for exporters. The trade deviation from China and the Far East seems to bene t the Turkish companies. Thus, it is very important to consider increasing international cooperation in terms of production and trade. Turkey can also be an important centre for international companies who carry out contract manufacturing in China.