Brexit will not politically affect Turkey directly. However, it can be expected that the chance of Turkey being a...
Brexit will not politically affect Turkey directly. However, it can be expected that the chance of Turkey being a...
Group of 20 that gathers the biggest 20 economies of the world and realized on 28-29 June in Japan...
The joınt flıghts of THY and LOT wıll provıde quıck and easy connectıons to the passengers by connectıng Istanbul...
In the year 2018, the wealth of ındıvıduals has ıncreased to almost 206 trıllıon dollars by growıng 1,6% According...
There wıll be a total of 30 quıck passport control system ın the aırport of whıch 16 wıll be...
Turkey and Iraq have gathered in Turkey-Iraq Business forum organized in June. T.R. Minister of Trade Ruhsar Pekcan stated...
By giving 3 million dollars worth of contribution to the Great Green Wall Initiative that aims to fight with...
133,000 people have vısıted the turkısh festıval ın 3 days and more than 100 artısts have partıcıpated ın the...
The dam wıll protect the capıtal djıboutı where 75% of the populatıon lıves from the damages of the flood...
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Sustainable Infrastructure Group Managing Director Nandita Parshad said that they will make...