
Trade Relations of Türkiye-Lithuania Grows Stronger

We have reached the target with a trading volume of $1.3 billion by the end of 2022

Trade relations between Türkiye and Lithuania have strengthened in recent years. In 2020, despite Covid-19, trading volume increased by 36% from USD 560 million to USD 763 million. In 2021, we approached the target of increasing the trading volume to over USD 1 billion by 2023, set at the JETCO meeting held in Lithuania in 2020, with USD 980 billion, and by the end of 2022, we reached the target with a trading volume of USD 1.3 billion. Even though our construction companies operating in the region are active and our exports have increased in recent years, Turkish brands have not yet fully penetrated this region. Supply problems that Lithuania has with Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia, and the availability of quality and affordable products in our country have recently contributed to the development of Turkish-Lithuanian relations in the recent period and allowed Türkiye to become a significant market for Lithuania.

The positive atmosphere created by Baykar’s donation of Bayraktar TB2 to Lithuania last year has also made a considerable contribution to our bilateral relations.Besides, the fact that our successful companies in the textile, food, automotive sub-industry, iron-steel, and construction sector which have intensive trade activities with the EU open their own units in the Lithuanian market and make production in EU member Lithuania with tax advantages will increase the trade opportunities between the two countries.

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