We Continue Our Journey with More Maturity and Experience in Our 40th Year

DEİK has been carrying out its activities for 40 years on the basis of voluntary membership and with 152 Business Councils spread all over the world

The number forty has been considered sacred and auspicious in different civilizations in different geographical regions since the earliest times of history. It has been included in beliefs and traditions, mythology, legends and epics, and celestial religions. In addition to being one of the most common motifs in Turkish epics and fairy tales, this number is also used in many proverbs, idioms, and compound verbs in Turkish, such as “forty out of forty, forty water from forty streams, forty doors to pull the rope, a coffee has forty years of memory”. The number forty is also attributed to spiritual maturity.

The ripening of fruits in forty days, the Prophet being given prophethood at the age of forty, and the forty-day retreat process in Sufism are all related to this. After forty years of DEİK’s adventure, I observe that DEİK has now reached sufficient maturity in conducting Business Diplomacy activities and its perception in our country and the world has increased in this direction. I believe that we will continue on our way this year, which has a special meaning for us, in a more mature and experienced manner in every respect. After the pandemic, two important transformations that will profoundly affect not only our economic and commercial life but also our social life in many dimensions are on everyone’s agenda: Green and digital economy.

I prefer to use the term green and digital economy instead of transformation because what I mean by digital economy is that digital technologies involve a radical change that permeates every aspect of life, from economy to social life, and they lead a new model. As we all encounter in our daily lives, many digital elements, from artificial intelligence to automation, robots, and big data analysis, have come to the forefront in every field today.

We are in a new era with digital technologies cutting horizontally through every aspect of our lives. On the one hand, while investments in digital technologies are increasing rapidly, on the other hand, the usage area of technologies is spreading rapidly and brings threats in addition to the opportunities it creates. As DEİK, we, as DEİK, established our DEİK Digital Technologies Business Council in 2022, as we see the trained workforce and technical infrastructure of our country in the field of digital technologies as an opportunity without staying outside of this process.

It continues its activities with 10 subcommittees to cover all areas of digital technologies. In this issue, we focused on the transformative power of informatics in all areas of life. From agriculture education, from the finance sector to software and the gaming world, we examined the effects of informatics in depth. DEİK Secretary General Caner Çolak shared with us his assessments for 2024 and his predictions for 2025. In our cover interview, we talked about the future of robotic technologies with Mustafa Mertcan, Chairperson of DEİK/Türkiye-Portugal Business Council and Founder of Dof Robotics. Abdullah Eriş, Chairperson of DEİK/ Türkiye-Yemen Business Council and Chairman of Erişler Gıda, shared his innovative perspective on the agricultural sector. We also had an in-depth conversation with Abdurrahman Keklik on the future of quantum computers. Finally, we had a pleasant interview with İsmail Ergun, General Manager of BYD Türkiye, on the future of electric vehicles in Türkiye. In this issue of Business Diplomacy, you will discover inspiring views on the impact of informatics in different sectors.

Enjoy your reading.

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