Loyalty to Master Pioneers

At some point, we all find ourselves facing challenges and seeking guidance from someone more experienced to help us navigate through them. We often turn to friends and relatives, asking, “Do you know a master for this?” Even when we receive service from corporate companies for white goods, home installations, or machine maintenance in our workplace, we still hold an expectation of expertise.

When it comes to automobiles, everyone knows a seasoned master working in industrial areas; if not, the search persists. Regrettably, the number of genuine masters seems to be dwindling with each passing day. Today, being recognized as a master of anything holds significant value, extending beyond mere craftsmanship or professional expertise. Business Diplomacy, which falls within DEİK’s scope of activity, is indeed a field that demands mastery.

Since its establishment in 1985, DEİK has witnessed numerous masters, including our Business Council Chairpersons and members from various Business Councils, who have made unforgettable contributions to its development. We have many individuals, masters in their fields, who inspire our young business people through the genuine relationships they have cultivated abroad, whether with heads of state, prime ministers, or ministers. They have found solutions for our country’s and our business people’s stalled relations abroad, completed projects worldwide, and earned a stellar reputation.

During the 37th DEİK Ordinary General Assembly and Master Pioneers Award Ceremony on May 25th, “Master Pioneers” awards were bestowed upon esteemed Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu and the family members of the late Şarık Tara, the late Ali Osman Ulusoy, and the late Ahmet Şahap Ünlü. As we express our gratitude to Mr. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, we also honour the memory of our departed masters with acts of charity. We are all indebted to them, both as an institution and as a society, and it is incumbent upon us to remain loyal to their legacy. In the latest edition of our journal, where we delve into the past, present, and future of the “DEİK Master Pioneers Award”, we had the opportunity to hear from Ebru Özdemir, President of the DEİK Women’s Platform, which commenced its activities for the first time this year, regarding its objectives and initiatives.

As Associate Professor Dr. Sebahattin Demirkan shared insights on Switzerland’s interest rate cut decision, DEİK Digital Technologies Business Council Chairperson R. Erdem Erkul contributed an article discussing artificial intelligence technologies. Besides the aforementioned topics, our journal covers a wide array of subjects, including global energy geopolitics, Türkiye-Iraq relations, the football industry, and much more.

Enjoy your reading.

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