We Kept the Finger on the Pulse of Internatıonal Logıstıcs Developments

In the 2019-21 period, among its other activities under pandemic conditions, our Council organized events in order for increasing the appearance of our logistics companies and strengthening Türkiye’s position on global logistics routes.

Following the sudden closure decisions taken in April 2020, we organized the “How International Transport and Logistics Services Are Affected in the Covid-19 Process” webinar with the support of our founding institutions UTIKAD and UND. In the second half of 2020, we organized the event titled “Nakhchivan Corridor and its Logistics Effects” and other events that evaluate the impact of the Eastern Mediterranean geopolitics on logistics routes. We completed the activities on the establishment of an overseas logistics centre and shared it with our Ministry of Trade. As a result of the decrease in closures in 2021, we had the opportunity to participate in events on physical platforms. During this period, we attended the 6th Economy and Logistics Summit and Logitrans 2021 Istanbul. In the same period, we held our webinar, where we discussed the future of logistics costs in Türkiye and around the world, in May with the participation of 310 members.

Together with our international interlocutor, we worked with the Lithuanian delegations on Mersin Port’s position in the trade between Germany-Türkiye, and on the development of Türkiye-North Europe interconnection within the scope of the Viking Project. Our Council also prepared an updated version of the “Positioning Türkiye on the Belt and Road Initiative” project, which it completed in partnership with the Türkiye-China Business Council, suitable for the pandemic conditions. In addition, preparations for the participation of our country in the “Transport Logistics China Expo” event in 2022 with a national pavilion that includes Turkish logistics companies have also started.

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